Perl Medic: Transforming Legacy Code

先日Jolt AwardのFinalistのリストを作成した際にperl関係の本がありました。Perl Medic: Transforming Legacy Codeです。amazonで見てみると、流石にFinalistに残っているだけあって面白そうです。


Topics covered: How to write good Perl code, read bad Perl code, and convert bad Perl code into good in less time that would be required to write an equivalent replacement program from scratch. Testing, debugging, documenting, replacing custom code with CPAN modules, and embracing features that became available in later versions of Perl are all covered. Overall, the author endorses and generally explains the principles of Extreme Programming (XP) for Perl work.

Testing,CPANからXP言及まで! ああ、俄然読みたくなってきた!